
Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

If your eyelids have been damaged by the sun’s UV rays and you need the services of the best eyelid surgeon in Chicago, we hope you will call the office of Dr. Adam J. Cohen to schedule a consultation. Dr. Cohen has received extensive training in the field of Craniofacial Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, is Board Certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology, and has been in practice for over 20 years.

What is UV radiation and how does it affect my body?

Without weighing you down with too many details, suffice it to say that UV radiation is part of the electromagnetic (light) spectrum transmitted from the sun to the earth in wavelengths invisible to the naked eye.

The wavelengths of UV radiation are classified as UVA, UVB, and UVC. As they travel through space, the earth’s ozone layer absorbs all UVC and some UVB rays, meaning most of the UV rays you contact are UVA, with a smaller amount of UVB.

Of these two, UVA radiation contributes to the wrinkling and aging of the skin, while UVB rays are the main cause of sunburn, and they’re also thought to contribute to more skin cancers than UVA rays.

How common is skin cancer?

At least a million Americans are diagnosed with some form of skin cancer yearly, and according to the American Cancer Society, every hour of every day, one American dies from melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.

What are the signs of skin cancer?

Despite your best efforts to prevent it through the use of sunscreen and protective clothing, you may still develop some form of skin cancer. The first symptom is usually a sore that doesn’t heal. Areas of your skin will be raised, smooth, shiny, and pearly. They may look like a scar that is white, yellow, reddish-brown, or waxy, and they may be scaly, bleeding, or crusty.
If you see any areas on your skin that appear suspicious, you should make an appointment with your doctor immediately.

How is skin cancer diagnosed and what are the stages?

To diagnose skin cancer, your doctor may:

· Examine your skin. Your doctor may look at your skin to determine if changes to your skin are likely to be cancer. And further testing may be necessary to determine the diagnosis.

· Perform a skin biopsy. Your doctor may remove the suspicious-looking skin for laboratory testing. A biopsy can determine if you have skin cancer and if so, what type.

Because superficial skin cancers such as basal cell carcinoma rarely spread, a biopsy that removes the entire growth is often the only test needed to determine the cancer’s stage. But if you have large squamous cell carcinoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, or melanoma, your doctor may recommend additional tests to determine the extent of the cancer.

Doctors use the Roman numerals I through IV to indicate the cancer’s stage. Stage I cancers are small and limited to the area where they began. Stage IV, in contrast, indicates advanced cancer that has quite possibly spread to other areas of the body.

What are the common characteristics of eyelid cancer?

Eyelid skin cancers occur most often on the lower eyelid, but they may be found anywhere on the eyelid margins, corners of the eye, eyebrow skin, or the adjacent areas of the face. They usually appear as painless elevations or nodules, and occasionally the eyelashes are distorted or missing. There may also be ulcerations of the affected area, along with bleeding, crusting, and/or distortion of the normal skin structure.

How is eyelid cancer treated?

There are two extremely important principles involved in the management of eyelid cancer – complete removal and reconstruction. Complete removal is critical to minimize the chances of recurrence, and in most cases, Dr. Cohen will excise the tumor using a special procedure known as the Mohs technique to ensure total removal.

Once removal has been accomplished, reconstructive surgery is usually required. Dr. Cohen has at his disposal many techniques to reconstruct almost any surgical defect. Regardless of the technique used, the goals are always the same: to reconstruct the eyelid so that it functions properly, protects the eye, preserves vision, and has a satisfactory appearance.

In the end, not only will the skin cancer be removed, but Dr. Cohen will also reconstruct your eyelids and face so that you won’t have unsightly scars.

How long is the recovery from surgery?

After surgery, the healing process can take from six months to a year, and once the wound is healed, it is necessary to follow up with Dr. Cohen to ensure the skin cancer has not recurred. Should that happen, the cancer can be detected early and treated promptly.

Surgical treatment from Dr. Cohen

As an eyelid and facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Cohen is a specialist in removing skin from the face, eyebrows, and eyelids. He has extensive experience not only in removing tissue from these very delicate and sensitive areas but is an expert at reconstruction after removal of skin cancer. So for treatment from the best eyelid surgeon in Chicago, please don’t hesitate. Call us today to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Cohen.


The first sign of skin cancer is usually a sore that doesn’t heal. Areas of your skin will be raised, smooth, shiny and pearly. They may look like a scar that is white, yellow, reddish-brown or waxy. More obviously, they may be scaly, bleeding or crusty.

If you are experiencing symptoms that appear to be even remotely cancerous, you should arrange to meet with your doctor immediately. Your doctor will perform the necessary tests to determine if your sores are cancerous, and will discuss your treatment options.

As an eyelid and facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Cohen is a specialist at removing skin from the face, eyebrows and eyelids. Not only does he have experience in removing tissue from these very delicate and sensitive areas, Dr. Cohen is an expert at reconstruction after skin cancer removal.

Not only will the skin cancer be removed, Dr.Cohen will also reconstruct your eyelids and face so that you won’t have unsightly scars.

Your doctor can screen you for skin cancer if you start to show symptoms. The first step is to perform a basic skin exam, where your skin will be checked for bumps or spots that may be cancerous. If a suspicious area is found, a biopsy will be performed. This is done by taking a small portion of your skin and examining it under a microscope to look for signs of cancer.

If the biopsy results are positive Dr. Cohen will advise you on the best way to proceed with your treatment.

Pain or discomfort during the removal procedure is minimal. If the cancer requires a reconstruction, you may have two weeks of recovery. This will depend on your unique situation, and Dr. Cohen will let you know exactly what to expect during your consultation.

Let’s Explore Your Options

If you are interested in learning more about cheek implants, contact Dr. Cohen today to schedule a consultation. He will listen to your goals and concerns and help you decide if this procedure is right for you. Call (847) 834-0390 to get started!

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