


After rigorous diet and exercise and years of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, some patients find they cannot lose stubborn pockets of fat. In this case, one might be a good candidate for liposuction. At Art of Eyes, our board-certified plastic surgeon can safely and effectively contour areas of the face and body using advanced liposuction technology. Whether you want to lose a double chin, love handles, saddlebags, or a belly bulge, we have many body contouring options to help you achieve your goals.

With liposuction, we can:

Liposuction removes stubborn pockets of fat through suction and requires a small incision to insert the device. Incisions can usually be hidden well within natural creases and folds of the skin. Liposuction is not a weight-loss solution but rather a procedure to enhance body contours.

Are you ready to get rid of stubborn fat for good? Click ‘Book Now’ to schedule a consultation with Art of Eyes and get started on your body contouring journey!

Liposuction FAQ's

Yes, a small 4-5mm incision is created to perform the procedure. The scars are small and relatively inconspicuous, generally undetected unless pointed out. Scars can often be hidden in creases of the body or areas that undergarments will cover. 

Yes, the fat cells removed during liposuction do not return. Patients who gain weight after liposuction may find that remaining fat cells in other locations will expand. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle post-procedure to maintain liposuction results.

Yes, you will need to rest for 48 hours post-procedure to keep swelling down and to reorient after anesthesia. Many patients return to their desk jobs 2-3 days post-surgery; however, those with demanding or laborious jobs may need 3-4 weeks to recover.
Let’s Explore Your Options

If you are interested in learning more about cheek implants, contact Dr. Cohen today to schedule a consultation. He will listen to your goals and concerns and help you decide if this procedure is right for you. Call (847) 834-0390 to get started!

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